First, we want to apologize. We sent out the notice about our updated blog to all family and friends, many of whom have no idea that we are thinking of moving. Not the most personal way to let you all know of our latest plans, but as you will see from this post, I am just SO busy these days.
Second, another apology: Yesterday after posting, I browsed around the Blogger site and discovered that "proper" blog etiquette is to keep your posts short and succinct, and yet still entertaining and enticing. Yeah, whatever. If you prefer that style of blog, you can skip every other paragraph. You really won't miss out on anything.
So, yesterday we finished up the basement (except for painting the steps and fixing up the home run ... Mark's jobs ... and cleaning the floor ... my job). Then we took Kai for a much-needed, longer-than-half-hour walk with brother-in-law Ben, who is visiting from Australia by way of New York, Boston, Tampa, Columbus, Toronto, Dallas, and San Francisco (whew, and he's here for fewer than two weeks). Then off to meet the Asakawas at La Tapatio (which our friend Mickie said she pronounced "la ta patio," which always makes me laugh) for some very unhealthy, but very tasty, Mexican food and margaritas. Mmmmmm. We will certainly miss cheese-covered enchiladas and margaritas the size of your head when we move to France! This morning has been filled with catching up on my friends' blogs, which led me to another blog that has taken up my entire morning: The Typo Eradication Leaque. Nanci, thanks so much for the link! Too dang funny. Check it out, but be warned: If you are a grammar freak like me, you may get sucked in and never leave.
So, obviously, I'm just too busy to write all of you personal notes.
Time for some more coffee (Val and Jon, not the instant kind. Mark refreshed our stash with some Dazbog yesterday. Hallelujah.) and then, perhaps, I'll get started on some work.
2 days ago