We are off to Austin to visit our good friends Marianne (pronounced Myanna) and Travis. But before we head south, we wanted to send out very happy, wonderful birthday wishes to a triumvarate of beautiful women in our lives:
Mum and Auntie Jane share the same birthday, although Mum's is today here in America (tomorrow in Australia) and Auntie Jane's is tomorrow. But whatever the day and wherever you are, we wish we were with you to help you celebrate with love and smiles.
And a belated birthday to the latest bride in our family, Mrs. Rebecca Bressani. We saw the photos, and your tropical wedding looked absolutely wonderful and a grand ol' party (who would expect any less from the McKay women and their clan?). Happy, happy birthday!!
2 days ago
Wow, so glad I stopped in, thank you so much for the birthday wish and compliments! Love to know we can find you here at any time. Hope our paths cross one of these days, when there is time to sit back and share stories. (Green Pond!?)
Big Apple Love, Rebecca =D
oh, and a very Happy Birthday to Mum and Aunt Jane! Cheers Leo sisters!
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