The original part of the house (not the two-story part) was built in the 1890s! We think it has its original flooring. If not, it's pretty darn close. The rest was added on some time in the 70s or 80s, we think. It needs a little bit of work (what house of ours doesn't?), but it is perfectly livable, and we love it, especially dinner every night on our little front porch.
We've been in the house just over a week, and we have been nonstop busy with super-duper bargain shopping, including these beautiful pieces that we got for a STEAL (my photographic "skills" do not do them justice):
More jobs to do today, including hanging curtains and installing screens to keep the bugs out (something at which we are ridiculously proficient, no thanks to Kai). More to come when we have a little more breathing room.
congrats, the house looks great!
Dear Tara and Mark
Your new house looks lovely. We wish you all the best. Ilan says "Sorry, got to go; got to play Grand Turismo with the kids".
Love Greg, Karen, Ilan and Lara
Yipeeeeeeeeeee! Congratulations M&T. Now we can finally chat as I was waiting until you got the house (a stupid jinx sort of thing). What a long struggle (I was a witness to some of the hiccups), but now you have your porch. This is such grand news.
You two are steadfast. And I mean that in the highest praise.
Asheman & Ashewoman
Your house looks AWESOME! I love it! Front porches are so great and I'm sure the rest is, too.
What a gorgeous house, and I love the new furniture! Please share how to find furniture for a "STEAL"--we're completely incapable it seems! :-) Congrats you two!
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