No resolutions from us this year. Just a quick hello to wish you all the very best in 2009 (or at least the best possible in these crazy times).
We had a very nice, very relaxing holiday in Connecticut with the Meads, Darlings, and Studebakers. Unfortunately, I don't have a single picture, as the few times that I did pick up a camera, it turned out to be Mom's (who happens to have the exact camera that we have). I always seem to have an excuse for no pictures, don't I?
Well, here's a pic from this weekend. We had our first overnight guests at the Grady Court house. Marianne (pronounced My-anna) and Travis drove up from Austin for a kid-free weekend, though I'm thinking that Mark and I are pretty kid-like, so I'm hoping they weren't disappointed :-) Once again, no camera, but Mark did have his trusty cellphone, with its awesome resolution (HA!). I'm thinking maybe the lens got smudged with salsa or something during the evening. Anyway, we had a fantastic time: We stumbled upon a few tasty restaurants, drank some tasty sips of wine, and enjoyed catching up with good friends over some good laughs (and even some good walks). Thanks for making the trek up here, M & T. Looking forward to the next visit at your place!!
2 days ago
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