We made it safe and sound to Sydney, helicopter escorts and all. Apparently we landed at about the same time as Mr. V. Putin and possibly the leader of someplace like Singapore. Nothing like landing in the midst of the APEC conference. But the airport was very empty, as were the streets. Most likely because they declared today a "national" state holiday for New South Wales and they encouraged everyone to get public transit from the airport rather than having friends and relatives meet them. Lucky for us, Molly and Alan ignored the warnings and were waiting for us in the main terminal.
The flight was ... very long and very cramped. I am indeed spoiled after my time in first class to Korea. Mark made me just close my eyes as we walked through the business section when we boarded and de-boarded. I won't say anymore about that because it will just make me grumpy and sad again.
We stopped by Greg's house this morning for a quick hello (Greg is Mark's brother) and then headed over to Sharon's for breakfast (Mark's sister). I sipped my tea and ate my eggs and bagels as Mark had tickle-fests and played hide and seek with Ariel and Lily (our niece and nephew). At about 9 we headed to Mark's parents' house, where a nice hot shower awaited us. Aaaahhhh!!
Greg, Karen, and their kids (Ilan and Lara) showed up a little later for a nice visit. I did my best to keep my eyes open. Our goal is to stay awake all day and then sleep through the night. Only about 8 more hours to go!! Yeesh. I don't think I'll be much good at conversation tonight. I just hope I don't fall asleep in my challah!
Once we take some pictures, I'll make this blog a little more interesting.
Love to you all,
2 days ago
1 comment:
Hi Tara and Mark - Thanks for letting us know your arrived safely in Sydney - had no doubt you would, but it was nice to hear. That was nice of the airport to "clear" the way for you! Did you have a good time in SF with alll your friends? It must have been fun to back in your old stomping grounds. I guess you got back to the airport in order to make your flight. At 9 pm the day you flew out of SF I asked Dad if you had called and we decided not to bother you since you were probably in middle of having a really good time with friends. Say hi to all the Joffes for us and enjoy your time there. Love, MOM
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